Houston, TX Wage Garnishment Relief Attorney
Ending the Cycle of Debt and Wage Garnishment in Houston, TX
Having your wages garnished can be an immense burden. Seeing money taken directly out of a paycheck by a creditor leaves a person with less to live on. Many people facing wage garnishment are living paycheck-to-paycheck and may not have enough money to cover their basic expenses when their check is reduced. This situation can lead to a person taking on more debt rather than reducing their overall debt. If wage garnishment is putting you in a difficult position financially, you are more likely to use a credit card or need a payday loan. This can drive you deeper into debt.
The Fealy Law Firm, PC is dedicated to helping people in Texas break the cycle of debt. Attorney Vicky Fealy can help you find debt relief through bankruptcy or by other means. She is highly experienced in permanently ending problems like wage garnishment, constant calls from debt collectors, and the neverending need for more loans and more credit. If you are dealing with insurmountable debt, The Fealy Law Firm, PC is here to help.
Who Can Garnish Wages in Texas?
Your wages can only be garnished for certain types of debt in Texas. Normal creditors, like your personal loan provider, cannot access your paychecks to recover what they are owed. Your wages can only be garnished for the following types of debts:
- Child support
- Spousal support/alimony
- Student loans
- Unpaid taxes
Which Debts Are Impacted by Bankruptcy?
Child support is never discharged in bankruptcy. If you owe child support, that debt will persist even if you declare bankruptcy.
While student loans are not normally discharged in bankruptcy, there are some limited exceptions. If you are experiencing severe hardship that is likely to persist for the entire repayment term, such as a permanent disability, you may qualify for an exception. You must also demonstrate that making repayments towards your student loan debt would leave you unable to meet your basic needs and that before the hardship arose, you were making a good-faith effort to repay the loans. The most common situation in which this exception applies is when a graduate who was making payments suffers a major and disabling illness or injury and can no longer work.
Spousal support is also not usually discharged in bankruptcy. However, if you agreed to the alimony payments over two years ago, an exception may apply. Your ex-spouse has now had two years to re-enter the workforce or find another means of support. Additionally, you may be able to get the family law court to modify your spousal support obligations based on a drastic change in financial circumstances. You will likely want to speak to a family law attorney as well.
Some tax debts may be discharged in bankruptcy. While the IRS is notorious for being relentless when it comes to going after money it is owed, filing for bankruptcy tends to show that you could not pay your back taxes. Not being able to pay a tax debt is very different from having the means to pay your taxes and unlawfully dodging the IRS.
If your wages are being garnished due to back taxes, filing for bankruptcy can give you a fresh start. If you choose Chapter 7 bankruptcy, your tax debt can be discharged immediately after non-exempt assets are liquidated. If you choose Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you may need to keep repaying the debt for a limited period of time, after which the remaining debt will be discharged. Filing for bankruptcy will very likely put an immediate stop to the wage garnishment, giving you time to figure out your best options for debt relief.
Contact a Pasadena, TX Wage Garnishment Relief Attorney
The Fealy Law Firm, PC is experienced in helping people who are facing wage garnishment in Texas find solutions. Experienced Harris County debt relief and bankruptcy lawyer Vicky Fealy will do all she can to bring an end to wage garnishment and ensure that you can receive a fresh financial start. Contact us at 713-526-5220 for a complimentary consultation.