Lawyer for Powers of Attorney in Houston, TX
Ensuring Your Medical Wishes Are Honored in Houston, TX
Powers of attorney are an often overlooked, but absolutely essential estate planning tool. When you begin the estate planning process, you are likely thinking about your property and who you want to keep it after you are gone. You should also think about what your own personal and financial needs will be later in life. Most people will experience a period of incapacity before passing away. This period may last years if you begin to suffer from a condition like Alzheimer's, it may only last a few days if you experience a sudden illness. However, in all likelihood, you will need someone to make medical, financial, or personal decisions on your behalf at some point in time.
The Fealy Law Firm, PC can help you create the powers of attorney you need. Experienced Pasadena, TX estate planning lawyer Vicky Fealy will take the time to understand what your needs may be later in life so that she can help you plan ahead for any contingency. Most people will need several powers of attorney to govern different aspects of their lives.
How Springing Powers of Attorney Protect You
Springing powers of attorney are the most commonly used in incapacity planning. These documents have no legal effect until you have been deemed incapacitated, usually by your doctors. Once it has been determined that you no longer have the capacity to manage your own affairs, the people you chose can begin making decisions on your behalf without any need for a court to intervene. This protects your privacy by preventing the need for a guardianship.
If your incapacity is temporary - for example, if you have a brain injury and recover - the power of attorney is automatically reversed when you regain capacity.
Financial Powers of Attorney
Financial powers of attorney give the person of your choice the ability to start handling your financial affairs once you no longer can. His or her duty might include accessing your bank account or retirement savings to pay your living expenses and buy the things you need in day-to-day life. You can also give this person the ability to take steps like selling your vehicle when you can no longer drive or managing a rental unit you own.
Note that your financial power of attorney cannot make a will or trust on your behalf, so it is important to create these documents yourself.
Healthcare Powers of Attorney
Whether you are incapacitated for years later in life or only during your final days, someone will very likely need to be able to make important medical decisions on your behalf. These decisions may include whether to authorize a surgery, begin a new course of treatment, or initiate comfort care.
Personal Powers of Attorney
You may need someone to make decisions that affect your day-to-day life, like where you should live when it becomes clear that you cannot live alone in your home any longer. It is important to make sure that the person you choose understands and will act according to your wishes.
Limiting the Power of Your Agent
You can include language in your powers of attorney that restrict what your agent could or could not do on your behalf. For example, you could instruct your financial power of attorney not to sell the family home under any circumstances. You can also use advance medical directives to make certain decisions on your own behalf, which your healthcare agent cannot go against.
If there are any particular restrictions you want to impose on your agent, discuss them with your attorney so she can include language protecting your decision-making rights.
Contact a Powers of Attorney Lawyer in Harris County, TX
The Fealy Law Firm, PC will take the time to understand your wishes when creating your powers of attorney. Experienced Pasadena, TX incapacity planning attorney Vicky Fealy will work with you to ensure that your powers of attorney will keep you well-protected no matter what happens. Contact us at 713-526-5220 for a complimentary consultation.